Hello, Lifestyle Support Guru here with a STARK WARNING about going to the HAIRDRESSERS before Christmas. You may remember that, some months ago, I posted a warning about M&S letting other, larger, older women into the same changing room as you and how stressful it can be when you spot them in the mirror?
Well, I now find that hairdressers are doing something similar, pasting a life-size photo of someone else on their mirrors. This happened to me the other day and IT COULD HAPPEN TO YOU!! This other person will bear some similarity to you, but she (or he, of course) will look several years older, weigh several pounds more, have large bags under their eyes and far more wrinkles than you have.
This is a practice that MUST BE STOPPED
before it destroys people’s self-esteem and means that they consider going out with a large paper bag over their heads (assuming I can find one large enough), and preferably after dark. PASS THIS ON to all your friends – we must beware the Hairdresser’s Curse, especially in this season of joy and goodwill to all men (and women). Merry Christmas!!