How to be HAPPY!



Good morning from the Lifestyle Support Guru and it’s a bright February morning! Today I am going to help you learn how to be HAPPY instead of SAD!

SAD – you’ve been at home all day but you still check your landline for answer-machine messages before you go to bed.
HAPPY – you haven’t had any annoying cold callers trying to tell you your computer’s not working properly!
SAD – you call your mobile from your landline just to check it’s still working.
HAPPY – you know you haven’t gone deaf!
SAD – you’ve just spent half an hour playing Bubble Witch instead of doing ‘useful’ stuff.

computer games

computer games

HAPPY – you’ve just beaten another level on Bubble Witch!
SAD – It’s cold and you don’t feel too well.
HAPPY – You’re still alive!
SAD – Your cat’s got a permanent limp from her broken leg.
HAPPY – she’s still alive!
SAD – It’s February and that’s often the worst month for weather.
HAPPY – we’re closer to Spring and it’s THE

Rugby Season!

Rugby Season!


There, I bet you feel better already – ALWAYS LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE OF LIFE!