New Year Greetings

New Year 2015

New Year 2015

New Year greetings from the Lifestyle Support Guru!
I know many of my adoring followers will have missed my posts over the Christmas period, but even the LSG has to have time off – and, being the thoughtful, caring person that I am, nor did I want to distract any of you from your own celebrations with family and friends (although I suspect some of you would have welcomed such distractions, if you’re absolutely honest). (Actually, if I’m being absolutely honest, I was too busy working my way through the Christmas sherry, champagne and wine to write joyful – and coherent – thoughts about the festive season.)

So, here we are in 2015 and what thoughts do I have to help you navigate your way safely through the coming year?

Divided road - decision


1. Firstly, I hope none of you has been foolish enough to make any NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS. This is always a VERY SILLY THING to do, because you will inevitably end up breaking them (if you haven’t done so already).
2. Any NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS that haven’t yet been broken will be broken by the end of January at the latest.
3. The January sales are now over, so you may safely go back to the shops and find some decent things to buy instead of the rubbish that appears in all shops at midnight on Boxing Day.
4. If you were persuaded to buy a new sofa by all those charming TV adverts, remember that you usually have 14 days to change your mind – you KNOW that a multi-coloured sofa with matching footstool is NEVER going to fit in with your décor.

Having said all the above, I have personally made one or two NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS, but this is because I am the LSG and I am strong-minded enough to keep them. Feel free to borrow them or adapt them to your own circumstances:

restaurant table

out to lunch

1. Keep going out for lunch as often as possible. We need food to live, so it’s silly to turn down the chance of not starving to death.
2. Drink wine – studies have shown that it can help you live longer, although the jury is still out on whether it should be red or white wine, so I will drink both colours, just to be on the safe side (with the occasional glass of rosé thrown in for good measure – it’s always good to keep your options open).
3. Accept all invitations to wine-tastings – this should enable you to live to a ripe old age (see 2 above).

bottle of champagne


Following the above NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS should help you to get through the rest of 2015 without too much grief and anxiety (wine helps to relieve symptoms of anxiety, I have found). For those of you who prefer a different type of life-enhancing liquid refreshment, simply replace any mention of ‘wine’ with ‘Bow’.

And what do I hope for in this coming year? Not much – I am a simple soul, after all:
1. David Tennant will smile in at least one episode of the new series of ‘Broadchurch’.
2. Jenna Coleman will be replaced in ‘Dr Who’ – she’s far too pretty for her own good.
3. You will all have a great 2015.

And, finally, remember – there are only about 350 more days to NEXT Christmas!