Lifestyle Support Guru here on a bright(ish) Sunday morning, this time to help you become a little more refined and polished, like what I am. Today’s support is a GUIDE to the OPERA!
I am not an opera buff, but having been to three in my lifetime (an average of one every 20 years), I feel I know a little about this form of the Arts and I’d like to share this knowledge with you and show you that opera is not something to be scared of.
Now, first of all, my particular area of expertise is Puccini’s La Bohème since, out of all three operas I have seen, this has featured as two of them. The other was Mozart’s The Magic Flute, sung in Italian with German surtitles at the Opera House in Prague, so the programme was in Czech. An interesting experience – or it would have been if I hadn’t fallen asleep.
I recently went to see La Bohème in a screening from Sydney Opera House – the ticket was free, but that had NO influence on me whatsoever, I can assure you – true culture cannot be bought.
I shan’t keep you long; just a few easy steps to help you along the way…
1. Do not assume that knowing the Italian for ‘Waiter, I would like another glass of wine’ will be of any earthly use in following Italian arias.
In fact, that’s it!
PS It was subtitled and I really enjoyed it!