Organise A Family Games and Quiz Night – NOT!



A very happy St David’s Day to all my followers from the Lifestyle Support Guru! The sun is shining, the birds are singing and all’s well with the world, so I thought I would help improve the day by sharing one of life’s important lessons – HOW TO ORGANISE A FAMILY GAMES AND QUIZ NIGHT.
Like some of my followers, the ten rules are simple…

1. Make sure that the person who has asked you to run the FAMILY GAMES AND QUIZ NIGHT has had no access to the 6 Nations Rugby timetable, so you have to miss the second half of an important game in order to get to the venue on time. This means you will also miss an important try.
(Get a glass of wine to help you make it through the night.)

glass of red wine

glass of red wine

2. Make sure that the person mentioned in 1. doesn’t realise that you are not really that fond of little children as the place begins to fill with overexcited, hyperactive small people.
(Take a large gulp of wine.)
3. Make sure that one of the teams is a Spanish family, so their chances of winning are low (as is your knowledge of Spanish). Frantically text a WONDERUL friend who you think has nothing better to do on a Saturday night than tell you how to say ‘Good evening’ in Spanish. (Thank you,Karen!)
(Take a large gulp of wine.)

quiz panel

Social Awareness Quiz

4. Make sure that you forget to bring the answers to the three handout rounds on Disney and the Mr Men, which were designed to keep the small people entertained and quiet.
(Take a VERY large gulp of wine.)
5. Make sure that there is no wi-fi at the venue, so you are unable to access the missing answers on your computer at home from your smartphone.
(Take a large gulp of wine.)
6. Make sure that you have a WONDERFUL friend who has nothing better to do on a Saturday night than come to your aid and text you the names of 15 Disney heroines so that you can use at least one of the handout rounds. (Thank you again, Karen!)
(Take a large gulp of wine in gratitude.)
7. Give out the Peppa Pig ‘beetle drive’ sheets and get bored after three games, so call a halt to that and send all the small people to the tuck shop for another sugar ‘high’.
(Take more wine.)

Large glass red wine

Large glass red wine

8. Ask the quiz questions and apologise constantly to the Spanish family for the questions on English nursery rhymes and English phrases and sayings. You weren’t to know that foreigners would turn up!
(More wine.)
9. Make sure that one team turns up an hour and a half after the evening started and that their children are already high as kites and wind up all the other small people (who had just been coming down from their last sugar rush).
(More wine.)
10. Give out the bingo cards for the final, thrilling section of the evening and make sure that the person drawing the numbers out for you is the slowest person in the world and seems to think you have nothing better to do on a Saturday night than sit waiting for each number to be slowly drawn out of the bag. After three games you get bored (again) and wonder what it would be like to stick white-hot pins in your eyes.
(No wine left.)

And that, dear acolytes, is how to run a successful FAMILY GAMES AND QUIZ NIGHT – and get a large round of applause at the end because everyone’s had a good time, despite the fact that you feel like you’ve been through a fast spin cycle! The only cure for that is to retire to the nearest hostelry and go through the wine process again, but without the other bits in between! Enjoy St. David’s Day!