Quiz – Are You Socially Aware?

Social Awareness Quiz

Social Awareness Quiz

Good evening from the Lifestyle Support Guru! As we’re almost halfway through the working week (well, some of you are, anyway!), I thought I’d set you a little quiz to see how SOCIALLY AWARE you are. You have a choice of three answers to each of three questions, so get ready (but I hope you weren’t hoping for an early night!):

1. You have run out of washing to put on the line, so you no longer have an excuse for not mowing the lawn (in case the strimmer sprays grass cuttingsĀ all over your nice, clean washing). What action do you take:

a) None. Tough luck if your neighbours don’t like your ‘wildlife’ garden, as you affectionately call it. b) You vow to do it tomorrow, especially since the forecast is clear. c) You hope your brother will visit at the weekend and offer to do it for you.

If you answered a), you are SOCIALLY UNAWARE and care nothing for your neighbours’ opinions (and the cats like playing hide-and-seek in the long grass anyway). b), you are SOCIALLY AWARE and your neighbours are lucky to have you living next door. c),ROFL!!!!!! What planet are you on????

2. You are in the hairdresser’s and a woman walks in wearing exactly the same jumper as you. What action do you take:

Same finery!

Same finery!

a) None. Nice to know someone has the same good taste, but you don’t want to draw attention to yourself or her. b) You smile and loudly make a joke to the salon in general about both having good taste. c) You make a loud, pointed remark to your stylist about how it’s strange that the same jumper can look so good on some people but not on others. If you answered a) You are SOCIALLY AWARE – you know you could cause great embarrassment by remarking on it. b) You are SOCIALLY UNAWARE – you don’t know you could cause great embarrassment by remarking on it. c) You are INCREDIBLY SOCIALLY UNAWARE and should not be allowed out on your own.

3. You accidentally tune in to ‘Through the Keyhole’ on Saturday evening. What action do you take:

a) None. It’s all harmless fun and it’s nice to see everyone having such a good time. b) You watch for 5 minutes in the hope that it might get better but then switch channels. c) You wonder why Joey Essex and Keith Lemon were put on this earth, then go to bed, shaking your head, wondering what the world is coming to. If you answered a) You are SOCIALLY AWARE because these people are CELEBRITIES and you must therefore worship them. b) You are SOCIALLY UNAWARE because these people are CELEBRITIES and you must therefore worship them. c) Break open the bubbly and celebrate – you are PERFECTLY NORMAL! (And if you answered both b) AND c), you could be a serious contender to take over from Stephen Hawking as AN INCREDIBLY INTELLIGENT PERSON!!!) Sleep well!