Tag: Domestic Goddess

Life lessons from the Goddess

The Lifestyle Support Guru is back after a little absence, created simply because there has not been enough inspiration out there in the big, wide world because I have not been out for as many lunches as usual! Besides, they say that absence makes the heart grow fonder. However, I have been making notes and I now feel that I have enough VALUABLE LIFE LESSONS to pass on to you. In fact, I have even learned several important LESSONS from my own life, which, as you know, is as close to perfection as it is possible to be without being an actual goddess. So, what are these LESSONS? I hear you ask. Well, in no particular order of importance, they are:

cider bottle

cider bottle

1. Do NOT lay bottles of Aspall’s Cider on their sides in the fridge unless you have checked that all the tops are secure. This lack of attention may lead to a leakage, which, in turn, will lead to an aroma of apples in your fridge and a sticky layer on the shelf. Worst of all, however, is that you will end up with only a third of a bottle of cider – such a waste! I was forced to drink this remainder when I discovered it, so that no more would be lost (or go flat).
2. Should you decide to use (for the first time, because you’re not quite happy about steam and electricity being used at the same time) the steam mop which a sibling left behind before moving to steamier climes (ha ha!), decide in advance your direction of movement. Starting at the far end of a long, narrow kitchen and working back until you reach the door to the next room is quite a sensible idea. A little less sensible is to start at the door from the other room and work forward to the far end of the kitchen. However, the second method IS recommended if you are in need of more exercise, since it requires the first application of the steam mop in a forward direction, followed by a second application of floor wipes in a backward motion to get rid of the footprints left by the first application.

steam mop

steam mop

3. If you have siblings (other family members are available) who decide to go abroad to warmer climes and then return to this country, wishing to visit/stay with you, DO NOT ALLOW them to do so until it is high summer and temperatures are in the 90s (in the shade) AND you have checked the long-range weather forecast. If you ignore this advice, you will find that they will sit in your home with a pathetic, sad look on their little faces until you feel obliged to turn the heating up to maximum and put the fire on full. Since you are used to the British weather, you are quite happy to put on 5 jumpers and 3 pairs of socks instead, muttering, “I’m not old enough to get the heating allowance yet, you know.” After a couple of hours, you will find that the sibling is reasonably comfortable while you have turned into a red-faced, boiled beetroot displaying signs of heat exhaustion. The cats will think they have gone to cat heaven and will be stretched full out in front of the fire with a ‘Why don’t you do this all the time?’ look on their faces.
4. And finally, if you are going to visit the pub, try to avoid conversation topics such as whether mushy peas are best with sugar or vinegar, how awful dead bodies smell when they’ve not been discovered for a few weeks and the difficulties of groin surgery. (In fact, if you are in the medical profession, just avoid going to the pub and talking about work!)

It’s almost the weekend – have fun, dear devotees!

Domestic Goddess

A very good evening from the Lifestyle Support Guru! You may not have noticed my name mentioned as one of the ‘winners’ in the election, but I can let you know that I shall be working undercover as a secret advisor to the government and all the other parties, but if I tell you what I’ll be doing, I’d have to kill you, I’m afraid, so I shall move on to something else.

statue of domestic goddess

Domestic Goddess

Now, as you know, the LSG has skills in many areas, but what some of you may not realise is that I am also a DOMESTIC GODDESS and I am going to help you achieve this status, too. Being a DOMESTIC GODDESS doesn’t have to involve such mundane tasks as cooking, washing up or cleaning the oven. Goodness me, no! All you have to do is get someone else to do it for you (by going out to lunch on as many occasions as possible) or buy a Groupon voucher for an oven cleaner to come and get rid of all the gunge that has somehow gathered inside your oven, even though you use it infrequently (that means ‘almost never’ in LSG-speak). Personally, I blame the cats – I think they may well be secret Michelin-starred chefs.

Now, imagine the scene: you have a professional oven cleaner booked for the afternoon, so what’s the first thing you do? Yes… you clean the oven! You also clean the kitchen itself and, just for good measure, the bathroom – just in case!
The cleaner arrives and you lead him into your sparkling kitchen, show him the oven and he



examines it. ‘Does it have an interior light?’ he asks. You finally manage to stop laughing because this is almost the smallest oven you can buy without it being a Calor gas camping stove, so an interior light would make it look like a floor show every time you open the door!
He opens the oven door and looks inside and you feel a frisson of terror in case he refuses to clean it. ‘Please, tell me you’ve seen worse?’ you plead and he says – slowly – ‘Yes…’ and then there’s silence… until he adds, ‘We also clean carpets,’ as he looks back into the living room where the red carpet has a fine covering of long, white fur as a contrast.

Italian Cofee

Italian coffee

You offer a coffee and he then asks to use the toilet (relief that you put that little bit of extra effort in) and then you explain to him that you will be doing your Italian homework while he’s working, hoping that this will impress him and make him realise that the LSG is far above domestic chores.
The oven cleaning and the Italian homework finish at the same time – guess which one of us said, ‘Well, I’ve done the best I can.’?
To the undomesticated eyes of the LSG, the oven, once again, looks sparkling – if those bloody cats decide they want to start doing cordon bleu cooking, they can go elsewhere! This oven is not for burning!

And there you have it – being a DOMESTIC GODDESS is easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy, as long as you let other people do everything for you(except your Italian homework). Pot Noodles for me from now on – or lunch out.
Sleep well, dear followers!